Monday, October 30, 2017

26 + DIY Halloween Costumes

Are you still unsure of what to do for Halloween costumes this year or your current one not making the cut? We have you covered! Here is all you need to know for 26+ do-it-yourself costume ideas.
  1. Baby Mummy - All you need for this cute mini mummy is gauze, a onesie, and googly eyes.
  2. Bat - You need felt, elastic, and basic sewing skills for this one.
  3. Bumblebee - Felt, ribbon, thread, and a sewing machine get you this adorable bumblebee costume.
  4. Cat - You are going to need some fur trim for this one.
  5. Caveman - You can actually do this for the whole family and make a cavefamily. You will need faux fur fabric.
  6. Chef - You will need white fabric and to do some quick sewing.  An empty pizza box would add a nice touch.
  7. Darth Vader, R2D2 & Yoda- You will need black and brown clothing, a helmet, light sabers, and robe for these. 
  8. Dinosaur - Fabric, 5 inch velcro, and a small bag of batting will get you this cute dino.
  9. Flower Pot - This one is super cute & easy. You will need a large bucket, headband, jump rope, and 3 or 4 bunches of flowers.
  10. Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol & Vincent VanGogh - Aside from the wigs and fake flowers, you might have all these items on hand now.
  11. Grandma - Use all 3 on this page for a sibling set. 
  12. Ladybug - You will need fabric, elastic, tulle, flowers, and thread.
  13. Lego - Got a box, box cutter, and paint?  You can make a Lego!
  14. Needle and Thread - This one might require a little shopping - a lampshade, wire cutters, duct tape, freezer paper, cardboard, 4-5 white tshirts, a large knitting needle, flexible cord, and silver paint.
  15. Paintbrush - This requires 2 brooms, a styrofoam ball, and poster board.
  16. Princess Leia - You will need a white dress, silver material, silver thread, sew-on velcro, and stitch witchery.  Check out the picture on the directions for more on what exactly that is. 
  17. Raggedy Ann or Andy - Yarn, felt strips, embroidery thread, and 2 hair combs per wig.  You might have the other clothes needed already.
  18. Skeleton - Duct tape and black clothes can get you this costume in a jiffy.
  19. Snow White - I actually did this one recently.  You need a red hair ribbon, blue shirt, yellow skirt, red shoes, and an apple for a prop.  (See picture.)
  20. Spider - I have heard you can gather all these materials from the dollar store - a black hoodie, monofilament, large needle, 2 pairs of black knee socks, grocery store bags, googly eyes, adhesive dots, and black gloves.
  21. Unicorn - This takes under an hour to make.  You need felt, a purple hoodie, ribbons, safety pins, duct tape, and a headband.
  22. Upside Down Person - This requires no sewing.  You can actually put this together right now from clothes you have on hand.
  23. Viking - You need two toilet seat covers for this cute, little Viking.
  24. Where's Waldo? - You do need crochet skills for this one (or a friend willing to help you out).
  25. Witch - Got a man's shirt? You can make this witch costume.
  26. Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman is being predicted as the #1 costume of the year.

Happy Halloweening! Try out a costume?  I would love to see your finished product.  Post a picture in the comment section below.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Hair Donation Guide