Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Jared made hot chili oil.

We were eating left-overs from Uncle Jiang, and Jared wanted to make some of the hot oil like we sometimes get with our Chinese food.

There was a previous failed attempt by using the wrong pepper, but he quickly fixed the error and had some pretty good hot chili oil pretty quickly and mostly effortlessly.

Here's how to make it in case you want some too.

1/4 c. japones chili peppers (ground in a blender)
1/2 c. vegetable oil
sprinkle of salt (pinch or two)
light sprinkle of garlic powder

Heat the oil to around 400 degrees (before smoking point). Combine the dry ingredients. Mix it all together. Stir and cool before use. Enjoy.

(This does not need to be refrigerated.)

I know this is typically used for Chinese dishes, but I dipped some potato chips in it and that was nice too.

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