Thursday, September 15, 2011

17 again

Watching 17 Again got me thinking about being 17 all over again. At that time, you seem to have endless opportunity stretching before you. Your life is just beginning. I thought about going back and what I would do. I had some things come to mind.

1. I wouldn't take things so seriously. I know how things turned out, and I would have been just fine without worrying so much about it.

2. I would have went to Southern freshman year and not sophomore.

3. I would have taken more time to spend with my great-grandmothers. They both died my senior year. The night before my great-grandmother that I was really close with died, I thought I should go see her. I told myself I would do it tomorrow. I never got another tomorrow with her. She lived with my father, and I let my terrible relationship with him get in between seeing someone that I really cared for and with whom I spent a great deal of my childhood.

What would you do over if you could go back to being 17? It's just something to think about...

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