Monday, May 26, 2008

How far I've Come...

I'm sitting on my Grandmother's steps that lead to an unfinished house. But oh the memories that have been made in this yard! I grew up next door to my grandmother. I'm looking at the property right now. Today I just realized that the magnolia tree that was right outside my window no longer exists. Neither does this big tree that we had plant pots hanging from. It is amazing how things seem so big when you are a child and then so unimpressive and small today. I could get lost in these two yards. I had a tire swing on a tree that is no longer here. There was a weeping willow that I would climb. Today I would break the branches if I tried. The structure that I grew up in is no longer here. So much of what used to be is not here because of Hurricane Katrina. However, a bush from my grandfather's yard that makes these white flowers is still there. I'm looking at it now as I type, and it makes me still feel connected to my past. So much of that past was ripped away by the storm, and I still feel its effects today. Just yesterday I was going to a church that I went to often in high school because my best friend's step dad was the priest there. I was so excited about seeing the inside of it because it really is a beautiful church, and I timed my departure so I wouldn't have an awkward amount of time before the service started. As I drove past it, I remembered that the church is not rebuilt yet. I had no idea where they were holding services these days. Something so simple as going to church became hard. Luckily, through the wonders of text messaging, I was able to find out where service was being held. Things have changed so much.

And all these changes are not bad. Friday was my last day with my sister. I can't really comprehend it now, but I am relieved. I think it will fully hit me when I go back to Hattiesburg without her tomorrow. Also, in just a few short days B will be home. It seems surreal. It has been such a long time. A person really can get used to anything.

1 comment:

John Wesley Leek said...

It wears on my heart to read about and think about things lost. We do get used to things as you said and I suspect your best days (in happiness and triumph) are still ahead.