Sunday, September 1, 2019

Book Review: Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic For A Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living

I told you I am on a Shauna Niequist kick lately, and at this point, I only have 2 more books of hers to read so I already put in an inter library loan request for those two. I am a person that enjoys completion.

My next book that I review, though, will not be one of hers. I can assure you of that because I have already finished the next one.

Shauna Niequist's writing is so easy to read. It is almost like each chapter is a short story in itself. They chapters and the parts that the book is broken up into are so quick to get through. You can feel like you are making progress on something reading this, which I have this innate desire to feel like I am making progress, so it really works for me.

There is so much truth in this book.

She talks about perfectionism, which I struggle with daily.

One big takeaway from this one is not something I have not thought about and tried to put into practice, but it bears repeating - only say yes to a few things not everything. Think about what really matters and do those things.

It is better to do a few things well than everything poorly.

It is hard to say no for some of us, but it gets easier with time.

Simplicity is also a big part of this book. Niequist was Marie Kondoing before Marie Kondo took the world by storm. There is an ease that comes with simplifying your life, whether it is through where you give your time and energy or your cabinets.

I like Shauna's books because she is so candid about being a writer and that whole process.

She also values quality time and loving people for who they are, where they are.

She is also a person of faith that is open and honest about the flaws in organized religion but still maintains her faith through it all.

If life is complicated, if you are always looking to the next big thing and not exactly living in the moment, this book could be a breath of fresh air in your life.

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