Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book Review: Young China

This book was recommended by my friend Mandy. We both teach Chinese kids online. (If you are interested in doing this, message me. I can get you started.)

It was like a bookend to my reading of Little Soldiers.

Young China was all about the people born after 1990 and the intense competition they are up against with the test culture they grew up in and the large population.

Culture was discussed, which is one of my favorite subjects.

Since the one child policy had not been overturned in their childhood, they grew up as only children with as many as 6 adults solely focused on making them the most successful they can be.  There are so many expectations, so much pressure, and not much of what we (Americans) consider a childhood.

One person in this book studied 80+ hours a week in a library the year after getting her bachelors degree to try to get into a graduate program.

An interesting concept discussed was a "leftover woman," which is a woman 27 years or older that is not married. Apparently there is pressure to marry young in China, too.

Things are changing in China. People are traveling more. Now people are encouraged (and allowed to) have two children.

It was a great glimpse into Chinese life and culture, focusing more on an older age range than my previous reading.

What is your favorite book about Chinese life and culture?

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