Thursday, October 3, 2019

Book Review: Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

Ever since the movie came out, all I heard was how hilarious this was. I got excited when I saw it in the library looking for my next Tallahassee trip book on CD.

Like I have said before, I enjoy the multi-tasking that listening to a book allows. It makes drives seem more quick. The stories accompany while I cook.  The voices in the reading of the book offer a different experience from reading it and hearing the story in your head in your own voice.

I have not seen the movie yet. I am not sure I want to see it after reading the book. I tend to like the book versions better, but this book was not what I expected.

Instead of comedy, I found this very dramatic. And what's worse - it is family drama.  Real life has enough of that, and I am not sure I want it when I want to escape to someone else's world. 

I am fascinated by foreign things, and I am trying to immerse myself in Asian culture as much as possible lately, especially Chinese things, since I teach Chinese students. I am not sure if this portrayal of Chinese families is really accurate, but most families tend to have "those" people in it. Wealth only complicates it in this family.

One phrase that is used a lot in this book is "a la muck." I have looked around to try to figure out what exactly it means. The closest I have found is garbage or poop. If any of my Chinese friends wants to enlighten me, I would love to find out what this phrase truly means.

A glimpse into another culture was nice, especially since I hope to visit some of my students in China in the next few years.

If you want family drama in a book, check this one out. If you are looking for comedy, I would pick another one.  It was not a bad story, though, with a few plot twists sprinkled here and there.

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