Friday, August 16, 2019

Atomic Bunny Drops (jalapeno poppers)

This is a recipe from the church recipe book I mentioned in yesterday's post.

We love jalapeno poppers around here and have them pretty often. (Just be careful with deseeding them because I had an unfortunate event one time with them and found out a sugar scrub is the only way to stop my hands from burning tremendously.) We keep gloves in the kitchen just for this purpose. We also have a baby fork that works nicely to get the seeds and membranes out.

When I mentioned this recipe earlier, Jared was like, "Keep those pineapples out of mine."

Several days passed and I wanted to see what he would say when I actually made them. The pineapples were the most intriguing part of this recipe. (I am also one of those people that like pineapple and Canadian bacon pizza.)

I left the pineapples in, and he thought they were fine.

Try this for a new twist on a jalapeno popper. The two adjustments we would make on this is use a full slice of bacon instead of the 1/2. Also, try to throw some seasoning in that cream cheese before you stuff the peppers.

They were delightful, though.

Oh, I put these in the oven since we do not currently have a grill.

This recipe is credited to Jerry Spann.

softened cream cheese
pineapple chunks

Slit jalapenos in half & clean out seeds & membranes. Take care not to touch eyes or any sensitive part without first thoroughly washing hands. Fill each half with cream cheese & add a chunk of pineapple. Put the two halves of the jalapeno back together & wrap with a half slice of bacon. Secure the bacon to the jalapeno with a toothpick. Run the toothpick through the pineapple also. Cook on grill until the bacon is done. Be prepared with a water squirt for flame ups. Cooking up depends on the size of your jalapenos but usually 15 to 30 minutes.

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