Monday, August 5, 2019

Low Carb Chronicles: No Name Note Meal

You may or may not know that Jared and I like estate sales. We have gotten some pretty cool stuff. Sometimes you have to get random things included in a lot to get one item you want, but it is fun. Our favorite find so far is a china cabinet we got for less than $30.

Anyway, so one day Jared got this small metal green box of recipes in buying something he actually wanted. These recipes looked pretty old. They used terminology like Oleo, for example. I felt like I was eating in the 60s; I like history and this was the best time travel because you do not have to worry about breaking down and getting stuck there, which would be my biggest fear with time travel.

I wonder a lot about these people whose stuff we buy from estate sales. It is kind of sad to see pieces of people's life up for sale to the highest bidder. Sometimes you can figure out things from people just from clues of what they have - hobbies, occupation, where they are from, what they love, etc. I wonder what my stuff would say about me if it was all up for sale.

Anyway, this first recipe from this little green box is from a note.

This person, whom I imagine was a wonderful grandmother and a great cook, got a note from a friend about a new meal she tried the other night. The note is not signed or addressed, so I have no idea who these people's names were. The note writer did state that the husband probably would not like the meal. 😂

I tried this recipe that had no name from a note. It all seemed so exciting and mysterious. It was also pretty good. I would definitely cook it again. My  nephew really liked it, and we did not have much left over.

It did brown more than I wanted it to, but Jared got home late that night and I was just trying to keep it warm in the oven.

This is a recipe you could really spice up - add onions, more vegetables, toppings, etc.

Take a small pack of hamburger meat (I did a pound.), a can of tomato soup, and a can of whole kernel corn and mix it all up. Put it in a casserole dish, sprinkle with cheese (I used a Mexican cheese mix and just put it all over the top until it fully covered all the meat.), and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 375, and it is good. Don't drown the meat, let it cook with the rest in the oven.

^ Besides the parentheses notes from me, this is the actual recipe.

Let me know what you think when you try it!

Also, what would you call it? I called it taco casserole in my head when meal planning.

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