Monday, July 8, 2019

A Crawfish Conundrum: Is It Us Or Them?

I love crawfish – a lot. It ranks up there in my top five favorite foods. I am always down for a pile of them except this one time recently.

I won’t reveal where I was because I do not want to bash this restaurant, but let’s just say they offered 10% off for a favorable Yelp review, and the discount was not worth it. It takes a lot for me to pass up a chance to coupon, but my word is worth more than that.

They put the crawfish in a bag with the seasoning and shook it. I, and my husband, have only eaten crawfish that is boiled with the seasoning.

This, on the other hand, had all the seasoning on the outside of the shell. You had to lick the crawfish to get any seasoning. We also asked for the maximum spicy level, and it still was not very hot.

And there was butter. So much butter. Yeah, sure lobster and butter go well, but crawfish? Even sucking the crawfish head offered no flavor.

I felt nauseous. I could not finish them and ended up peeling them in hopes that they could be used for another dish later. In the end, the dog ate these nasty crawfish because I do not like to waste food. And the dog eats pretty much anything.

I thought it was a fluke.

Then the same thing happened in a new seafood restaurant that I wanted to try out in Columbia. This time I told them to leave the butter far away.

Hmm, this is interesting. I have never experienced this at all, and I have eaten a lot of crawfish. Now I am getting multiple experiences of this shaking of the seasoning thing. What is happening?

The third time I experienced this was at a place that sounded promising because of its name. Jared and I preemptively asked how the crawfish were made because of what had happened recently. We tried ½  a pound just to check them out.

The seasoning was still mostly on the outside of the crawfish.

Three times in a row is too much to discount as a fluke so I am asking – is it us or them?

How do you season your crawfish? Do you put the seasoning in when you boil them or do this shake in a bag thing?

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